Useful Information
Everything you need to know
Tiddlywinks follow the statutory staff ratios for each age group to ensure all children are cared for appropriately.
We currently have spaces available and accept children from 2 years 6months.
Tiddlywinks accepts children who qualify for NEF funding as well as 15 and 30 hours of free child care (Childcare Choices)
If you would like more information please contact us
Tiddlywinks provides half day sessions, 9-12pm and full day sessions 9-3pm.
Autumn Term
6th September to 22nd October 2021
Half Term
25th October to 29th October 2021
1st November to 17th December 2021
Spring Term
6th January to 11th February 2022
Half Term
14th February to 18th February 2022
21st February to 1st April 2022
Easter Holiday
4th April to 15th April 2022
Summer Term
Tues 17th April to 27th May 2022
Half Term
30th May to 3rd June 2022
6th June to 21st July 2022
Nutritious food is important for children to grow and learn. At Tiddlywinks we educate the children about healthy eating and encourage them to try new food regularly. Fresh fruit is on our daily menu. The snack menu is sent to the parents for the coming week.
We have links with our local supermarket who provide us with fresh food weekly.
Children are offered a healthy snack during the morning and afternoon sessions. These will normally consist of a carbohydrate as well as fruits and vegetables.
Hydration is as important as healthy food. Water is provided at snack time as is Milk on the morning of the delivery.
Children who stay all day or until 1pm provide their own packed lunch. We work with parents to support healthy eating at every meal.
Children should come to Tiddlywinks in comfortable clothing appropriate to the weather conditions.
Each child keeps a pair of wellies and waterproofs at Tiddlywinks for outdoor play.
Uniform is not mandatory but many of our children choose to wear it.
Uniform can be purchased directly from Tiddlywinks
Tiddlywinks uses Seesaw to regularly update parents on their child’s progress and to share group activities within the pre school.
We also encourage parents to share ‘wow’ moments from home with us so that we can work together on your child’s development and next steps