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Activity, Reports and Ratings
Tiddlywinks Pre-School was registered with Ofsted on 28 August 2009 under the local authority of Cambridgeshire. Tiddlywinks is on the Early Years Register, Compulsory Childcare Register and the Voluntary Childcare Register.
Below are records of our previous inspections.
Inspection Published 21 Nov 2023
"Staff at this pre-school warmly greet each individual child into the setting. They acknowledge something special about them on the day, such as a hair decoration or something they are wearing. This makes them smile and contributes to children settling quickly and happily. Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure with the adults who care for them. They eagerly want them to join in their play, show them things they have made and engage in conversation".
"Leaders implement an effective curriculum that helps to build on what children know and can do. There is a strong focus on helping children to develop their independence and strong communication skills before moving on to school. Leaders gather essential information from parents during home visits at the start to help establish children's starting points. They use this information to begin tailoring each individual child's learning needs and experiences".
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